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Pediatrics For Doctors

Dr. Amie Kowalczyk's practice has reached maximum capacity and is closed to all new referrals indefinitely. We request that you redirect them to an appropriate care provider. 

Patients in the Lloydminster area needing a pediatrician can be redirected to

Dr. Akinloye - Border City Pediatrics

Phone; 306-825-1002

Fax: 306-825-1003

Patients with mental health concerns can continue to be directed to your local mental health services for support, or referred to a different pediatric or psychiatry subspecialist of your choice. You may also want to consider directing patients to a primary care provider with additional training in pediatric mental health. A list of these providers can be found through the following links:

Alberta - CanREACH Trained Practitioners – HMHC

Saskatchewan- CanREACH-SK Patient-Centered Mental Health in Pediatric Primary Care (PPP) Mini-Fellowship - Continuing Medical Education - University of Saskatchewan (

Thank you for your understanding.

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